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Call Me Kes!
Call Me Kes!

I dont know what I'm doing but hi

/ 2 min read

Last Updated:

Well, this is new.

I’m kes - you probably know that if you’re here, lmao. I’m just another random tech undergrad who’s trying to get their name out there.

I’m a huge fan of tech, and I’m always looking for new things to learn. I’m also a huge fan of writing, so I thought I’d combine the two and start a blog. I’m not sure what I’ll be writing about yet but documentation is always fun, so I’ll probably write about some of the projects I’m working on, or some of the things I’m learning.

Using puncuation is annoying since I usually write dumb tweets and discord messages, so I’ll probably forget to use it a lot, mb. Oh and also I don’t know how to write a good MD file, let alone a good blog post.

For starters, I’ll go over some of the stuff about this blog itself.

  • This blog is built using Hexo, a blog framework that was easy enough to figure out - writing out these posts inside of my IDE (VSCode) is a weird, but a lot more fun than I thought it would be.

    • EDIT 2024-07-26: I’m using the Astro framework now, mostly because Kenneth kept talking about it lol. Porting everything over took about 30 minutes, so I’m happy with the switch.
  • I’m using the Cactus theme by Pieter Robberechts, which I thought looked pretty neat. I’m not sure if I’ll stick with it, if I ever get some free time I’ll make my own theme. Either way I made sure to make some changes to the theme so it’s more my style, using my favorite color scheme and a logo I made years ago lol.

  • I’m using a custom domain, which was also a lot easier than I thought it would be, thanks Namecheap. I think I’m hosting on that domain via GitHub pages, but I honestly forgot - it’s probably not vercel. You might be able to tell by now but I have no idea what I’m doing.

    • EDIT 2024-05-09: I’m using Cloudflare Pages now, I had no reason to switch but I did it anyways lol

I’m a bit of an idiot, but anyways, I hope you enjoy reading whatever I put here

Or scrape all of this into your LLM, I don’t care lol. Read my about page if you want to know more about me, or just reach out to me on Twitter

kes out